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"The food tastes better and the colors look brighter!" - and about other effects of digital detox

Writer's picture: Maiju VohlonenMaiju Vohlonen

Our first silent digital detox retreat of the summer ended last Sunday and now we would like to share a little, how it feels to voluntarily give up your electronic devices and be silent in a group for several days and above all, what were the impacts of the detox?

But first, why did our eight clients (from France, Texas, England and Finland) end up choosing this particular retreat? There was a slight variation in the motivations, but the most common was that people were looking for peace of mind, rest, space to be by themselves and a break from their smart devices. The atmosphere at the opening circle ranged from curious impatience to fearful excitement; someone hadn't had a break from their digital phone in ten years, another had never been on a silent retreat, a third hadn't realized that the retreat would be silent – the element of silence came as a surprise. However, the predominate question in the air was “how this will all of this feel?” - being “alone” without my phone. While the digital devices were collected for safe keeping, a pen and a notebook were given instead to record and reflect on one's own experience during retreat.

Sharing circles were held throughout the retreat every other day – there everyone who wished was able to share their own experience during the retreat in safe space. After just one day at the retreat, with free time at hand without a smartphone, many realised how tired they really were. Someone had had naps for three times a day, for another the need for sleep didn't seem to come to an end. A third one said that without a smartphone in the peace of nature, he slept deeply through the night for the first time in months, even though the pillow and bed weren't as comfortable as at home. Together, we came to the conclusion that a break from the smart device and being free from doing anything, had relaxed the nervous system enough, so that finally the exhaustion that had been lurking under the over stimulation came to the surface and got the necessary medicine it needed, rest. It also turned out that many people were surprised about how a digital detox was so easy and that "I can actually live without a phone" and how relieving it felt not to talk in a group, being free of having to think about the expectations of others. You could just be in your own world, in mutual understanding.

As a facilitator of the retreat, as an outside observer, it was a pleasure to see how the retreatants enjoyed the possibilities to experience simple pleasures of life that the facilities and nature offered; one was reading a book in a rocking chair, another was taking a nap in a hammock, the third was swimming at the lake, the fourth was writing in a diary at the picnic table, the fifth was meditating in the yoga tent and the sixth was sleeping soundly in his own room... I got the feeling that in silence the nature of Utula can really give it's best to it's guests! It was also very fulfilling to go on a quiet three-hour trail together and to notice how the 20-minute individual discussions included in the retreat were a valuable addition to the private reflections of the retreatant during the retreat.

On the last day of the retreat, the experience was shared in the circle and there was a long discussion about how this peace and connection with oneself found at the retreat could be taken home so that this retreat would not "remain just another retreat among others"? How could you practically create enough space in your everyday life for the elements of a retreat - digital detox or regulating the use of digital devices, silence and your own time? From our discussions, it became clear how many of us are thirsty for concrete ways to keep the use of digital devices at a level where it won't eat away at our own quality of life - how do we hold on to this digital freedom we have newly tasted? In general practical means, e.g. reintroducing a wristwatch and alarm clock, holding digital fasts in everyday life (e.g. 19-10 every day), a fixed place for the phone at home (when on fast) e.g. in the hall, digital fast days (e.g. every Sunday or a monthly detox day) or participating in retreats regularly. In the air was a relieved experience of how "being without a phone is possible after all" and a strong motivation to create new boundaries for the use of digital devices after the retreat. The effects of the retreat were expressed as e.g. resensitized senses, brightening of colors and the deliciousness of food when enjoyed without haste, presence in the moment, strengthened connection with oneself and nature, relaxation and above all, the feeling of having rested.

We warmly thank our wonderful group for the impactful shared experience and welcome a new group to our 4 or 6 -day silent digital detox retreats 30.7-.7.8, 13.- 18.8 (a few places available) or 3.-8.9.2024!

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